Eritrea readies first goldmine

By Barney Jopson in Asmara
Published: September 15 2009 17:46 | Last updated: September 15 2009 17:46

Eritrea, one of the most closed corners of Africa, has said its first goldmine will begin production next year as the impoverished country races to develop.


Its dictatorial ruling regime, which is in urgent need of dollars from mining, has also awarded exploration licences to eight new foreign companies eager to prospect close to Africa’s Red Sea coast.

War and government economic controls have limited the Eritrean private sector’s ability to generate foreign currency income and the country is one of the last unexplored frontiers in African mining.

In a break from its credo of self-reliance, the regime of President Isaias Afewerki has turned to foreign companies for capital and expertise to develop its gold, zinc and copper deposits.

The first commercial production is due to begin in the third quarter of next year when the Bisha mine opens on a site in western Eritrea that contains nearly 1m ounces of gold, said Alem Kibreab, director-general of mines at the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

Bisha is being developed by Nevsun Resources, a junior mining company listed in Toronto, which has a 60 per cent stake in the project. The remaining 40 per cent is held by Eritrea’s state-owned mining company. Beneath its layer of gold the site has about 700m pounds of copper and 1bn pounds of zinc.

The eight companies awarded new exploration licences this year include Andiamo Exploration and London Africa from the UK; South Boulder Mines from Australia; India’s Spice Metals & Minerals; and Zhongchang Mining of China. A total of 14 foreign companies are now in the country.

Eritrea is “highly prospective ground”, said Kevin Tomlinson, managing director of the mining practice at Thomas Weisel, an investment bank. “It’s in a very prolific geological corridor that runs from Egypt along the Red Sea, down through Sudan to Eritrea, and then to Somalia and the northern tip of Madagascar. That’s where a lot of the pharaohs’ gold came from,” he said.

Eritrea’s deposits are not likely to be larger than those in South Africa or the Democratic Republic of Congo, but income from royalties, taxes and new jobs could ease the government’s fiscal problems and spread more wealth among its 5m or so people, many of them living on the margins of survival.

The mineral resources were rendered inaccessible by conflict during a 30-year guerrilla struggle against Ethiopian rule, which eventually led to Eritrean independence in 1993.

Big mining companies such as Anglo American secured exploration licences after independence, but they quit Eritrea when a two-year border war broke out with Ethiopia in 1998. They have not returned.

“After 2000 we remained with the juniors, and frankly I don’t regret it because they are the ones who go aggressively for discovery,” said Mr Alem. “But the problem is, when they make a discovery they need the finance.”

The Bisha project was delayed by the effects of the credit crunch, but in July Nevsun said it had secured a $235m (€161m, £143m) loan package from seven institutions in Europe and South Africa, which will fund the project through to production.

The Eritrean government secured a separate loan of about $80m from China’s Exim Bank to raise its stake in Bisha from 10 per cent to 40 per cent.

Eritrea’s second most advanced mining project, Zara, is moving ahead after its majority shareholder, Sub-Sahara Resources of Australia, was rescued from a liquidity crisis in a takeover by Chalice Gold Mines. It is to begin production in 2011 or 2012, yielding nearly 1m ounces of gold.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009. Print a single copy of this article for personal use. Contact us if you wish to print more to distribute to others.

8 Responses

  1. What is the purpose of this article. I am confused.
    Did you really need to put your negative connotation to it?
    It looks that it pains you that an tiny african nation could stand up to western powers and western interests …
    useless article!

  2. Congratulations Eritrea. This is the fruit of hard work, patience, steadfastness. All the conspiracies had been foiled and I see a bright future of modern, self reliant, democratic, prosperous,and strong army.
    Awet Nhafash

  3. It is a matter of short time!!! Determination, courage, steadifastness, strong principle….will pay off!

  4. This is the only solution to end the cross border of the young and brave Eritrean (warsay), because the reason of the crossing the border is Economical not political.

  5. we will see if Isayas and his cronies will really be able to steal from a place where they don’t belong. The era of worlods is over and will not take them out from life support.

  6. The article points: Eritrea’s deposits are not likely to be larger than those in South Africa or the Democratic Republic of Congo, but income from royalties, taxes and new jobs could ease the government’s fiscal problems and spread more wealth among its 5m or so people, many of them living on the margins of survival.
    The writer of the article must be kidding. In Eritrea where there is no rule of law only Isaias and his puppies will become the beneficiaries of these goldmines. The poor Warsai Yekaalo will do the dirty jobsfor free for the mining companies and the thieves will pocket the money. So much for the lawless, even worse than a banana republic which has become play ground of Isaias and his greedy co-conspirators. Wait until the environment degradation, mercury contamination of the water source will be the headlines in a mere few years. Why ? Because the ignorant unelected tormentors of Eritrea are in bed with mineral cowboys from the west and the east such as China. Are the goldmines good news for Eritrea? Hardly. What kind of demented system is that shoots its citizens who fled their unjustified oppressive system. If the oppressors of the Eritrean people have no qualms in shooting innocent people, where on earth did they got the idea they will share the gold bounties with the people? Not in Eritrea now or in the future unless a democratically elected govt replaces these good for nothing mafia thugs.

  7. Let’s hope that the betterment in economy might develop other sectors such as institutionalization of good governance in all government departments and implementation of the national consitution. But, at the bottom line, development in Eritrea can only happen if there is a culture of openness (bad is bad; good is good) and if we avoid pretension: develop the value of transparency in terms of what we have and what we do not have. At the bottom line, there should exist a good economy but then a responsible and accountable governance that distributes the resouces back to the people fairly based on each citizens’ merits. Let’s be constructive in our criticism.

  8. thats the product of our mariters those lost their lives for sovernity,fredom,of our peopel all those gave their lives have grased.i will recommended to our government to divided this resoursese with out any coruption and used to our country properly.

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